Amy Montagu
DClinPsych, BA (Hons, 1st), GradDipSci, BSc, MNZCCP
Clinical Psychologist

Amy is a Clinical Psychologist and Neuropsychologist who has a wide range of experience working with people of all ages.
Following her clinical training, Amy worked in a number of settings in New Zealand, including with older people aged 65+ at Waitematā DHB, with children and adults at the Massey University Centre for Psychology, and providing assessments for children on the Autism Spectrum as part of a clinical study.
For two years, Amy lived and practiced in Bali, Indonesia, working with people at rehabilitation or mental health retreats, as well as in her own private practice.
Amy has a clinical interest in treating anxiety, trauma, addiction and substance use, and in using compassion focused therapy. She applies a range of evidence-based therapies in her practice, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), schema therapy, Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and mindfulness-based therapies.
She has co-authored several journal publications about research she has conducted.
Amy is kept on her toes as mum to three energetic boys and thrives on a run in the hills and surfing, whenever she can. She is passionate about her chosen profession and says she is fortunate that her love of psychology fuels her other hobbies of research and reading.
Professional profile
- Member of the New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists NZCCP

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